सर्वव्यापक = OMNIPRESENTउदाहरण : हमारी नई बॉलीवुड फिल्मों में समूह नृत्य सर्वव्यापक हो गए हैं, लेकिन हमें पुराने समय के सोलो प्रदर्शन याद आते हैं।
Usage : Group dance numbers have become omnipresent in new Bollywood movies, but we miss the classic solo performances.
Usage : Group dance numbers have become omnipresent in new Bollywood movies, but we miss the classic solo performances.
(Adjective) +23
सर्वव्यापक = UBIQUITOUSUsage : in our new bollywood movies, group dances have become ubiquitous but we miss the solo performances that used to be popular in earlier times.
(Adjective) +3
सर्वव्यापक = UBIQUITARY/UBIQUITOUSUsage : Smartphone technology is ubiquitous in today's world.
(Adjective) 0
सर्वव्यापक = UBIQUITARYUsage : the ubiquitary presence of social media is undeniable in today's society.
(Noun) 0
सर्वव्यापकता = UNIVERSALITYउदाहरण : राम की यही सर्वव्यापकता भारत की विविधता में एकता का जीवन चरित्र है!
Usage : There is universality in scientific theories.
Usage : There is universality in scientific theories.
(Noun) +20